
committee of management

Opawa Rangitoto 2C Incorporation’s Committee of Management is responsible for managing approximately 100 land properties on long-term leases and the surrounding areas, such as, the Hatepe Marae, parks and reserves. The Committee is responsible for the strategic objectives to maintain the whenua and grow the assets and financial returns for future generations.

The first Committee of Management was elected by the owners in June 1958. They were Erana Morehu, Charles William Hawkins, Rawiri Kohia Hapeta, Tamahou Morehu, Winiata Hoeta, Rangituranga Hapeta and Arapera Morehu.

Representatives hold term for three years and must whakapapa to Opawa Rangitoto 2C lands. See below for the current Committee of Management:

  • I whakapapa to this rohe through Rev Hoeta Te Hata and Haromi Hakararia.
    My great grandparents are Waimarama Te Hata and Te Rangiataahua Manunui.
    My grandparents are Te Rina Waimarama and Raureti Apiata.
    My parents are Eva Merehapi Apiata and George Meredith Mita.
    I Whakapapa to Te Harato, Hineuru and Nuhaka, Rakaipaaka.
    Ko Dawn Mita ahau.

    I have been self-employed for 15 years and I am the director of my own Company Te Ataahia Limited. I have employed workers that have all contributed to the business through their high level of expertise in the Land Transport Industry and I have been totally reliant on their personal honesty and integrity. I am a people person and a team leader.

    My passion is driven by my grandmother Te Rina Waimarama and to witness the growth of those people around me and their families. I was a past chairperson of H.B Combined Taxi Service Limited and I have been the chairperson person of the Incorporation for about 12 years.

    It has been my privilege to have worked alongside the past and current committee members that had individual unique management skills to offer to the management of the Incorporation.

    I work alongside our Professional service providers that assist to manage and maintain the business of Opawa Rangitoto 2C Incorporation to a very high standard in their various capacity of expertise.

    I have listened and learnt a wealth of knowledge from all our shareholders of the Incorporation including our Hatepe residents.

    I have seen changes that have been endorsed by our shareholders like our strategic plan for 2020 - 2025.

    Our vision, our mission, our strategic Pou and our principles and values should always be our driving force for the now and future of the Incorporation and its shareholders, to grow the wealth of all our people and the future generations is the ultimate goal.

    Tēnā Kōutou, Tēnā Kōutou, Tēnā Kōutou Katoa

  • Ko Rev Hoeta Te Hata raua Ko Haromi Te Hata Matua tupuna.
    Ko Wahjati raua Ko Patehau Morehu.
    Ko Iapeta raua Ko Arapera Morehu
    Ko Robert raua Ko Queenie Morehu
    Ko Bobby Morehu ahau
    Nga mihi kia koutou katoe Te Whanui.

    I work for Tennon Clearwood Limited in Taupo which currently has over 500 employees and accommodates for a lot of whanau in the Tuwharetoa takiwa.

    As a board member for the Opawa Rangitoto 2C Inc. I have taken on the role as Deputy Chairman, my duties include:
    • Authorising transfers of leases alongside our Chair.
    • Working with our professional services (e.g. Strettons, Le Pines and Morrison Kent).
    • Liaison with Taupo District Council on matters relating to our village.
    • Arranging quotes and management of contractors working in our environment.
    • General management work around the village, including in a voluntary capacity.
    • Liaison and maintaining a good relationship with our residents.
    • Work with our Kaumatua.
    • Marae bookings, Marae preparation and induction.

    Over the years, I’ve developed my work ethic from my father, who was very meticulous about the presentation of our village. I have that same passion. I am the Committee member directly on site and because of this, I take enquiries and watch over our whenua.

    I’m also a committee member of the Waitetoko Marae Committee.

    To finish, I encourage our Rangatahi to learn the business of our Incorporation and to have purpose and values, after all, you are the future.

    Ngā mihinui

  • Tena koutou katoa e rau rangatira mā,
    He uri tēnei o Iapeta Morehu raua ko Arapera Aperahama
    Ko Rereahu Morehu tōku Mama
    Ko Donald Woodcock tōku Papa
    Ko Mairehau Te Ua Ani Cleave ahau.

    As a registered teacher I have a passion for education and Te Taiao. I was taught that education gave you choices, options for a better future. Our 3 tamariki also understand the value of education and how it can help whānau achieve their aspirations. As a member of the committee, I am committed to supporting these aspirations for our whānau and taking up new opportunities to benefit us all.

    My greatest teacher of all was my mother Rereahu Woodcock. Her guidance and ability to listen and respectfully find solutions is always at the forefront of my decision making.

    In the future I see OR2C at the forefront of decisions being made regarding our pa kainga, our rohe. We will remain as kaitiaki of our whenua for the many generations to come. With this role as kaitiaki comes responsibility to uphold the values and wisdom of our ancestors. This is of great importance for me and my whānau. I am committed to my time as a CoM and endeavour to uphold values such as honesty, intergrity, whakawhanaungatanga: acknowledging all whānau that whakapapa to Hatepe.

    Continuing to build a solid foundation based on respect for one another as whānau, shareholders and beneficiaries of Opawa Rangitoto 2C Incorporation.

    No reira

    Ngā manaakitanga o te runga rawa!

    Mauri ora

    Mairehau Cleave

  • Kia ora koutou katoa
    I descend from Rev. Hoeta Te Hata and Haromi Hakaraia.
    My grandmother is Te Rina Waimarama, the daughter of Waimarama Te Hata and Te Rangiataahua Manunui.
    Ko Joyce Eparaima ahau

    Being a member of the committee has given me the opportunity to ensure that OR2C will not only benefit present shareholders, beneficiaries and whanau, but also the generations to come.

    My aspiration for OR2C is to see the whenua and people prosper. This can be achieved by making good and informed decisions for everyone, never forgetting the aspirations and sacrifices our Tupuna made back then.

    The past and the present must walk hand in hand to create the future we all want for OR2C. Having a good relationship and trust with our shareholders, is vital for our future.

    Our connection to the whenua, and our whakapapa is what makes OR2C unique.

    Our taonga tuku iho. He waka eke noa.

    Tēnā Kōutou, Tēnā Kōutou, Tēnā Kōutou Katoa

  • Tena kōutou e te hunga whāipanga o Hātepe whenua,
    Ko taku whakapapa ki te taha o tōku Pāpa
    Ko Winiata Te Rauna Te Heuheu te Matua Tupuna, ka moe i a Rangitakaiho (Tuatahi)
    Ka puta ko Hapeta Winiata Te Heuheu, ka moe i a Rangitapuhikura Wikatene
    Ka puta ko Rangituranga Hapeta Winiata, ka moe i a Horomatangi Ngamotu
    Ka puta ko Paraihe Rameka, ka moe i a Duke Rameka
    Ka puta ko John Casey Rameka, ka moe i a Lesley Rameka
    Ko Vernon Rameka ahau

    I am the husband of Sarona Rameka, proud father of Casey, Arahia, Mack and Pepe-Liliu, and blessed to be the koro of Bambi and Api.

    Residing in Taupō, I am the General Manager of Opepe Farm Trust. Before here, the GM of He Akina Limited - a shared services entity providing accounting, administration, and governance support services to a number of trusts in Tūwharetoa. Through this role, I sat on several governance committees in the capacity of either committee secretary or as a responsible trustee. I continuously endeavour to develop my governance skill set to ensure my contribution is always effective and constructive. I have experience working in both public and private sectors and am confident operating in both environments.

    I sit on the Committee for OR2C with humble appreciation for the incorporation, whānau and whenua who supported my own learning when I was studying in my youth. It’s important to me to connect (and have my children connect) with my Hātepe whānau, and the whenua of my kuia Rangiturana Ngamotu.

    Our mission is that OR2C is “self-sustaining, self-managing and prosperous”. For me that means our whenua is protected yet developed in ways that benefit the whanau, our ranagatahi are supported through pathways that would hopefully bring them home developed and learned, and our economic base is robust and continually growing.

    No reira oku whanaunga, ka nui te mihi, tēnā kōutou, tēnā kōutou, tēnā rā tātou katoa.


vision statement

Ma te whakakitenga ka ora (vision gives life)


The Opawa Rangitoto 2C Strategic Plan is a ten-year plan approved by the owners at the 2023 Annual General Meeting. It outlines core values and principles and defines the goals of the Committee of Management, including six key Pou: Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho o Te Ao Māori (The Treasures of the Māori World), Te Kopere (Our Organisation); Te Taiao (Environment); Te Tūāpapa Ohaoha (Economic); Te whakawhanake ngā matauranga me te hautūtanga (Education and People Development) and Whānau Ora (Health and Wellbeing).